Core Beliefs


We believe in God. God is love. God created humanity, his masterpiece, motivated by love and God is constantly moved by his love for his children.


We believe in Jesus, God’s Son. He, God, who became man. His obedience to His Father led him to the cross, and that sacrifice is what saves us. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. To come to God we must KNOW Jesus. Jesus longs for us to come to him and let him take our burdens.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who serves as our counselor, comforter and intercessor. This Spirit empowers followers of Jesus, grants comprehension of spiritual truths, molds us into the likeness of Jesus and assists us in making decisions that align with the heart and mission of God.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s narrative of restoration, assembled through an inspired array of voices by the Holy Spirit. Beyond a mere subject of study or memorization, the Bible represents a story meant to be emulated and embodied. God’s purpose for Scripture extends beyond comprehension; it is a catalyst inspiring individuals to actively participate in His ongoing acts of restoration across the world.

Human Nature

Each person is created as a bearer of God’s image, embodying a sacred and holy essence. However, the narrative of Scripture instructs us that when we choose to deviate from the word (or sin, that separates us from our loving creator God), we distance ourselves from His intended purposes. Jesus’ purpose was to rescue us from our broken state and separation from God’s original design, and he desires to restore us as individuals who will live in accordance with the image of God in which we were created.


God’s salvation is a gift that can never be earned. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God’s offer of forgiveness, can we be saved from sin. God’s concern goes beyond mere deliverance from peril; it encompasses a transformative shift. Through salvation, we are liberated from the suffering of hell and guided into a life where we can fervently pursue a present-day journey of following Jesus. View more about salvation here.

Baptism and the Lord's Supper

We believe and practice immersion baptism, signifying the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. By submitting to immersion in water, a person symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of their old self and the emergence of a “new creation” as we strive to journey and mature with Christ. Each Sunday, we commemorate Jesus’ sacrifice by participating in the Lord’s Supper, where bread symbolizes his body, and fruit of the vine represents the blood he shed on the cross.

Discipleship & Spiritual Formation

To be a disciple is to be a devoted follower and imitator of Jesus by obeying the Great Commission. By honoring His teachings, we are committed to elevating the standards of discipleship. We are not to be mere admirers of Jesus but passionate followers. According to the New Testament, the role of church leaders is to encourage acts of service, to present individuals as mature in Christ and to ardently desire to witness conversion in others.


Regardless of age, race or economic standing, the church is united as one family under a singular Lord. It shares a unified faith, experiences a common baptism, and acknowledges one God and Father of all — above all, through all and in all.


We pray for God’s compassion to shape our time, relationships and resources. The CrossWinds family deeply cares about our communities and contributes to God’s global work as well. We prioritize those considered “the least of these,” and as disciples, we strive to follow Jesus obediently into life’s challenges. With faith, we trust that God will accomplish more than we could ever imagine or request.


You are welcome here. We are imperfect people serving a perfect God, abundant in grace, urging us to love one another as He loves us.